Женщины в бизнесе Туркменистана

Мероприятие женщин в бизнесе
Команды женщин в бизнесе

About us

April 2023 marks the beginning of an exciting and meaningful journey, it was then that we, women entrepreneurs with diverse fields of expertise, joined together to create a community - Women in Business. We were inspired by the goal of promoting the development of women in the business world, as well as creating a unique platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge.

Our goals

The creation of the Women in Business community was inspired by the desire to unite women entrepreneurs, giving them access to the resources, knowledge and experience needed to grow their business successfully. Together we will reach greater heights and support each other in achieving success.

Increasing leadership potential:

We are convinced that every woman is capable of becoming a successful business leader. We provide training and master classes, developing the skills and abilities necessary for effective leadership in business.

Sharing knowledge and opportunities:

We value knowledge as the key to success. Our community provides valuable knowledge and tools for business improvement, allowing our members to enrich their business by following the latest trends and innovations.

Facilitating mentoring:

Starting your own business can be difficult. Our goal is to create a mentoring program in which women entrepreneurs with experience will be able to give recommendations and support to younger women entrepreneurs.Through mentoring, we strive to empower aspiring entrepreneurs by helping them solve problems and accelerate the growth of their business.

Professional communication:

Our community provides its members with a unique opportunity to communicate, exchange experiences and establish partnerships. Here you will be able to interact with colleagues and experts, which contributes to the expansion of your business circle.

Establishing links with other countries in the region:

Our task is to promote the study of the experience of other countries in the region and the exchange of best practices, which will open up more opportunities for international cooperation and development. It is also necessary to create a more inclusive strong ecosystem for women entrepreneurs from the field of business.

Benefits of joining the Women in Business community:

  1. Support and inspiration

    In the Women in Business community, you will find support and inspiration from other female entrepreneurs who share your goals and aspirations. Here you can connect with like-minded people, get advice and support, and simply feel like you are part of something bigger.

  2. Valuable connections

    The Women in Business community gives you the opportunity to meet other women entrepreneurs from different industries and regions. This is a great way to expand your business circle and find new partners.

  3. Expert knowledge

    Women in Business Community provides access to expert knowledge from successful business leaders and entrepreneurs. You will be able to participate in trainings, workshops and other events that will help you develop your business and leadership skills.

  4. Leadership development

    The Women in Business Community will help you become a more effective leader in your business. You can learn from experienced peers and mentors, as well as receive feedback from other community members.

  5. Business Opportunities

    Women in Business Community opens new opportunities for your business. You will be able to exchange experiences with other community members, find new partners and customers, and participate in international projects.

  6. International collaboration

    Women in Business Community is part of a global network of women entrepreneurs. It opens doors for you to collaborate internationally and share experiences with women entrepreneurs from other countries.

  7. Mentoring

    If you are new to the world of entrepreneurship, the Women in Business community will provide you with mentorship from experienced women entrepreneurs. Mentors will help you develop your business and avoid the mistakes that start-up entrepreneurs often make.

  8. Unique events

    Women in Business Community regularly organizes unique events that bring together women entrepreneurs from different industries. These events give you the opportunity to meet new people, gain new knowledge and skills, and just have a good time.

Our values Our mission
We highly value leadership, knowledge and mutual assistance. We believe in strength trainings to unlock the potential of every woman and the importance of knowledge sharing for business success. Support and mentorship are at the core of our community, where each member enriches others and enriches itself.
Creating a comprehensive ecosystem where each a woman entrepreneur will have access to the necessary resources and experience for her business. We We strive to expand opportunities through international cooperation and mentoring, facilitating the growth and development of entrepreneurial ventures.

Our statistics

We created this community because we believe that together we can reach incredible heights in business. Our passion is to inspire and support other women, helping them to flourish and succeed


community members


events held


written sheets


invited speakers


lost wedges


lectures at universities on youth entrepreneurship

Our team

We are a team united by our belief in the power of growing together. Inspire и support women as we build the future of business together.

Become a member of our community now!

G.Kuliyewa st.,"Arzuw", 2nd floor
